Karen is an accomplished, passionate speaker who delivers a message that will change the way you think forever. No, really. Forever.
When people hear the principles behind Persuade, Don’t Preach, they’re electrified, and the questions come pouring in, one after the other. Every time. It never fails.
Through extensive experience and research, Karen has uncovered truths about human nature that are more than just interesting — they’re useful. So, first, she blows your mind, and then she teaches you how to use the new information you’ve just heard.
Upcoming Speaking Engagements: February 23-25, 2024 Montana Gathering of Friends
Options for Speaking Engagements
Karen offers talks to both large and small audiences and runs workshops with small groups. All events are interactive and engaging, and small groups take part in hands-on, experiential learning.
Karen’s basic talk — in real life or virtually — can be customized to fit the time you have in your agenda. Just don’t forget to allow time for discussion because, remember, people want — no need — to talk about the implications of this message once they’ve heard it.
To see a zoom recording of Karen giving her talk to Civility First of Whidby Island, WA, click here. For a faith based talk, check out this talk.
Podcasts Karen has been on
- Hear Karen and Liz talk about how to talk across the political divide in this podcast
- Hear Karen explain to a 6 year old girl from Britain what Thanksgiving is on this charming podcast
- Learning From Smart People with Rob Oliver (who asks great questions!)
- Words of Heart with Dionne Sanchez (the episode entitled Communication)
- Skagit Talk on KSVR with Daryl Manier
- LifePix where I talk about how to apply these concepts in relationships
- Sheila Mac's show Bootstraps and Bra Straps
- The Tracy O show is a show about everything and about nothing.
- How to repair relationships damaged by the political divide with Marc Bautis
- Watch a replay of a discussion on the podcast "Three Things I Have Learned with Susan Dolci".
- Dr. Heather Clark and I explored how to talk to people we disagree with, and how those productive conversations can help us become unshakable. Listen to her podcast, Unshakable Being. You can learn more—and get the transcript—at https://www.unshakablebeing.com/.
- I had a great conversation with Sandy Joy Weston on her podcast, Let's Keep It Real. You can listen here. You can hear one the problems that political polarization is creating with her neighbor. I didn't have a solution in the moment, but I came up with one later! You can read my solution on my upcoming newsletter Fractured Relationships, sign up here.
- In this HCI Webinar, Dr. Westover talks with Karen Tibbals about career shifts, marketing for leadership and business success, and the power of persuasion. Check out the podcast here: https://anchor.fm/hcipodcast.
- A short podcast with Noreen Daley from Jamaica: How can one restore a broken relationship?
She has also written an article on how this applies to human resources, which appeared in the Nov. 2020 issue of Human Capital Innovations.
Interested in having Karen talk to your group? Email Karen here.